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Welcome to Native Empowerment!
Our nonprofit organization, B.O.E , DBA  Native Empowerment, is dedicated to creating lasting change within Native American communities. We believe in going deep to address the root causes of challenges and inspire transformation from within.

Our Mission: Native Empowerment is on a mission to touch souls and ignite hope by sharing our recovery journeys of trauma healing and overcoming addiction. Through our programs and initiatives, we strive to empower individuals and families to heal, grow, and thrive.

Ways to Support:

  1. Donate Online: Your financial contributions make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve. Every donation helps us expand our reach and provide essential resources to Native American communities.

  2. Planned Giving: Consider leaving a legacy of support by including Native Empowerment in your estate planning. Planned gifts ensure that our work can continue for generations to come.

  3. Donate Goods: We welcome donations of food, clothing, children's gifts, and school supplies. Your generosity directly benefits individuals and families in need.

  4. Send Birthday Cards: Brighten someone's special day by sending a heartfelt birthday card. Your thoughtfulness spreads joy and reminds individuals that they are valued and loved.

  5. Join a Fundraiser: Get involved in our fundraising events and activities. Whether it's a community event or an online campaign, your participation helps us raise crucial funds to support our programs and initiatives.

  6. Share Your Journey: If you've experienced healing and transformation in your own life, consider sharing your recovery journey with others. Your story has the power to inspire and encourage others on their own paths to healing and recovery.

Thank you for considering supporting Native Empowerment. Your support enables us to continue our vital work of empowering Native Americans and fostering positive change within communities. Together, we can create a brighter, more empowered future for all.

Support our Cause in Empowering Native Americans



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