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Recovery Meetings Google Calendar

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Links to 12 step programs

Alcoholics Anonymous

What is AA Alcoholics Anonymous?  Click here 

Big Book of AA  Click here

Meeting Locator  Click Here 

Zoom Meetings AUS  Click Here 

ACA-Adult Children of Alcoholics

What is ACA?   Aca stands for Adult children of Alcoholic & Dysfunctional families?   Click here

Meetings Virtual  Click here

Narcotics Anonymous

What is NA? Click here

Find a Meeting  Click Here

Wellbriety White Bison Red Road Click here

Online Meetings  Click Here

Meetings Locator  Click here



Debtors Anonymous

What is Debtors Anonymous? 

Is your spending unmanageable?  Click here

Meeting Locator  Click here

What is Celebrate Recovery Christian Recovery?  Click here

Meeting Locator  Click here

What is Alanon- friends and families of alcoholics?  

   Click here

 Can Alanon help me?

   Click here        

Meetings Northern AZ   Click here

Upon suffering beyond suffering:

The Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world; a world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations; a world longing for light again.

I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again.

In that day, there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom.

I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be one.

- Crazy Horse, Oglala Lakota Sioux (circa 1840-1877)

We're not a glum lot!

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